It's 3:18PM and I just walked through my front door about 15 minutes ago. I can't believe that I miss everyone from my team already...especially the teens! Peter the Great, Trevor the Destroyer and Princess Monica! Those are my new names for the three wonderful, hard working teens that OSLC chose to go with myself and the other adults to Maine. Our last day at the Root Cellar consisted of walking through the neighborhood to promote the Root Cellars new Neighborhood Crime Watch Program. Unfortunately, the crime rate in the area has risen to the extent that people are afraid to leave their own homes. Some of us here on the North Shore couldn't imagine being afraid to walk across the street to visit a friend or to the local Cumberland Farms for a quart of milk. But, in this neighborhood fear goes with the territory. Peggy Hinmans goal is to do away with those feelings and to that end is working hard with the local police to turn fear into confidence. It starts with getting everyone in the neighborhood educated about what to do when crime knocks on their front door. We walked door to door with instruction packets and window stickers to get them started. We let them know that in this country they didn't have to fear the police like they did in their homeland. Instead they could actually work with the local law enforcement to apprehend those who would threaten their peace and security. They were all so relieved to hear these words and couldn't wait to open their instruction packets. The root cellar not only provides spiritual food, clothing and a place for kids to hang out, they now provide people with a sense of security. God is definately working hard in Portland Maine. If I had my way, I'd be heading back there tomorrow. There is always next year.