I want to share with you all about Peggy. We have learned so much from her in our time here. Peggy is the woman who has been our director at The Root Cellar. When we first met her, we immediately saw her heart for the Lord and her commitment to the people that The Root Cellar serves. Peggy shared the history of The Root Cellar and many stories of people they have helped. It is amazing how many people know Jesus because of the Root Cellar and Peggy. When we listened to her stories, her message was clear. You do not need to force Jesus on anyone. The key to reaching hearts with the Gospel is to build a relationship and love the people around you and eventually God will open their hearts to the Lord. Be ready with the gospel whenever the teachable moment arises. Over and over we have seen the importance of loving relationships in the success of The Root Cellar. Peggy said that when Christ changes your heart, you go out and touch the community by serving, by touching the community you change the world because the people that you touch go out and do the same. Peggy is truly an amazing person making a huge difference in the world. If you get a chance to come to the Root Cellar and meet Peggy you will be truly blessed as we have been!