I can't believe how my little, tiny life can make such a huge impact on others that I have just met. My time here at the Root Cellar in Portland has been filled with the ups and downs, joys and sorrows of meeting and making new friends. I say joys and sorrows because it's always a joy to know that you can make a difference in someones life with just a small act of kindness. The sorrow came into play when I listened to some of the heartbreaking stories some of these people had to tell. The stories about the war torn, poverty stricken countries they hailed from is enough to make the most seasoned veteran cry. The unconditional love and acceptance they have found here in America, particularly at the Root Cellar, is the reason for all of the "ups" they have in their lives today. To be able to put food in the bellies of their children or know that their husband or wife can walk safely to the store and back, brings tears of happiness to their faces. Peggy Hinman, the director here, is a dedicated woman with one goal in mind...to bring the love of Christ into their hearts. She has succeeded beyond her wildest dreams. I will miss this place.